act with a sense of urgency Urgency & Efficiency Urgency is not about rushing in every direction. Acting with a sense of urgency requires focus. This means being effective and efficient vs. simply being “busy.” We’re all busy! Make the trade to effective and efficient, and you’ll stand above the crowd! Need an example? Consider your every day schedule like a hospital triage. Assign your work “degrees of urgency” and tackle them in that order, the way a doctor or nurse in an emergency room would! • The things you can respond to or resolve quickly, do so! • For the things that will take some time, set aside a clear date or time to tackle them. • Communicate the deadline promptly to the involved team members or clients. • Then, STICK TO YOUR DEADLINE! Busy • Filling time with tasks rather than prioritizing results • Working without systems or ways of tracking progress • Tackling tasks at random without prioritizing by importance or urgency • Spending a lot of time on things that don’t actually matter • Equating ‘doing’ with ‘accomplishing’ Effective • Figuring out how to spend less time on getting more done • Using systems to track goals and accomplishments • Working on the most important things first • Being selective with the use of time and resources • Choosing the most direct path to accomplishing results with less ‘doing’ What is the difference between “effective” and “efficient?” Effectiveteammembersproduceatahigh-levelwithdesirable results, while efficient team members produce work quickly and intelligently. Ideally, our team members are both!