These activities can create more steps in a process and decrease the level of productivity that would be achievable without them. Transport Inventory Motion Waiting Over Production Over Processing Defects Skills Photo credit - images created for the noun project by: Kenan Sulaman, Alex Brekowitz, Mike Wirth, Nicholas Vicent, Plainicon, and Unnecessarily moving things, equipment, parts, tools and materials from one location to another. Making more than customer demand, building up unnecessary stocks. Unnecessary movement; people walking to get things which should be located closer to the point-of-use. Delays between operations because parts are missing. Stopped work: waiting for parts, machines, or people. Making too much or too many. Completing a task before it is needed. Making products that the customer hasn't ordered. Duplicate or redundant operations, performing wasteful steps that are not required. Often because “we always do it this way.” Failing to produce a quality part the first time generating rework or scrap. Not delivering the product or service “right the first time.” Failing to use skills and capabilities of the workforce. Not listening to people, using their knowledge or learning from past mistakes/issues. find a better way