Awareness is a vital part of workplace safety! Stayingawareofyourenvironment,youractions, andwhatishappeningaroundyoucankeepthe entire team safe. Stay alert, don’t get hurt! Use it or lose it. A loss of awareness usually occurs over a period of time and can leave specific clues: • Confusion by teams and team members • Use of improper procedures • Departure from processes • Failure to meet planned targets • Unresolved discrepancies • Ambiguity • Fixation or preoccupation • “Gray” areas • Inefficiencies and rework So speak up, take action—and keep us on the right path! Losing awareness… Not to put too fine of a point on it, but when the benefits of awareness click into action day in and day out, it can be easy to take them for granted. So let’s note what a failure of awareness might look like. After all, when you spot these signs, you are practicing awareness, too! “ ” Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness. - James Thurber, Author & cartoonist awareness